Acoustic part 3

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In Part 1 I tried to talk about the positive and negative effect of acoustic on sound and its circulation form. In part 2 we know about the sound circulation form in auditory space. And it was said about some simple ways to optimize auditory conditions

This time we are going to talk about the effect of acoustic and favorable records on soundstage

Soundstage and favorable music have not only a direct connection with good components and speaker placements, music records are really effective on simulation of music performing space

.We cannot bring music performing space to our room with any records ever

The instrument sound that we hear is the sound of studio space. The best sound conditions with best components can be neared to the recorded sound of studio space. Most music fans think what they hear is real sound but that is wrong. (we always hear the sound of studio space and we only can hear the real instrument sound at a live concert). There are some criterions defining what we hear how near is to the main sound instrument like suitable studio, a good sound expert, the acoustic of auditory space, one more last thing is the components. When a music has not recorded in a suitable studio, when good microphones has not used in every part of recording period, when an expert sound director has not supervised during recording the music, it cannot create a sweet auditory space and soundstage ever. Even in the best sound system

In the past when there were not these digital facilities for recording and mixing ant it was much better

And music was recorded in the studio that most importance features was a good acoustic. A good studio had a good acoustic, not some digital facilities which ruin the music and take the passion and elegance of instruments and singer and instead give some high details, the details that just leave pressure and tiredness sense for audience. Have you ever been somewhere that a bad music is playing? And you get shy to tell anything? It happens to me many times

The importance of a good soundstage is more. There is a matter that music fans do not care about it and most of them think each piece of music in a good sound system should have a powerful soundstage. Most music need 3D space not just a soundstage and it relies on the acoustic and speaker placement like heavenly music and singer voice and instruments sound  are heard in hanging space. This kind of music needs 3D space it means having one stereo output not tow monos

It does not mean if you listen to a special kind of music your sound system must only fix with that kind of music. But unfortunately I face with who setup their sound system like that

There is an important matter that music fans ignore it, is inaudibility of instruments sound at a concert. In most sound system we hear the sound of concert not the sound of playing instrument. In music recording in an orchestra are used different microphones with particular angles for recording instruments sound. And a microphone called Cardioid which receives whole orchestra sound.

In most sound system we hear the sound of Cardioid microphone not instruments sound except in some parts when the instrument is playing very high

Lets back to the importance of a good record, when music has not a good record it cannot have any positive index of sound in each kind of sound system and component ever. And it cannot simulate the record space too. (So, if we do not have a good record we should not expect a proper sound of the sound system). Ok lets back to acoustic and its effect on sound

Some fans believe this wrong opinion that a small room has less effect than a big room. Why? Because when we are talking in a big room sound has more reflection than a small room. Ok we imagine that in the small room there is not anything except the sound system, now we only have the wall and ceiling, time for a note when it is passing till crashing with first obstacle (wall or ceiling) is more short till that note with that intensity of db spread in a big room, now how much more is the intensity of sound damage and sound index disturb in a small room than a big room

That’s why speaker placement in small spaces without proper acoustic is more very hard than big space. In a big a space time for a musical note after crash with first obstacle and destructive reflection till heared is longer, and the possibility for destruction the destructive note is high. But in small spaces destructive reflection will be merge with that original note intensity and reach to ear

Finally I should say that lack of good acoustic equals messed DSP space.  In the theater sound speaker placement should not heard

NOTE: for a good acoustic job we need RTA device, this device shows the destruction measurement in every place

Good Luck